RAMBLEY REVIEW by RecD Ft. OtterBoyVA (Indigo Park: Chapter 1 Credits OFFICIAL ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEO)
Rambley The Raccoon thanks you for visiting Indigo Park. IN SONG! This is the OFFICIAL Animated Music video for the ENDING CREDITS song I wrote for Indigo Park! This game’s been a passion project for the past year I’ve been all in on and it warms my heart to see so many enjoying the world we’ve made! Here’s my little gift (on my own birthday!) to all of you as thanks for your support.
Written, composed, arranged and edited by RecD
Rambley & Choruses performed by OtterBoyVA:
Choruses also performed by RecD
Final Mix/Effects/Leveling by Jakeneutron: @Jakeneutron
“At Indigo Park“ Leitmotif source song composed by Jakeneutron
Animated Segments Animated by INUbis: @inubis
Static Artists:
Crystal Clearing:
Pawki (MiwwieUWU):
Biposi Gardener:
Hubaduba Tron:
Thumbnail by MugiMallard: @MugiMallard
Indigo Park and Rambley (R) UniqueGeese LLC
Hey, buddy! you okay? You look kinda tired. Do you need a moment?
Don’t worry, It’s fine. I don’t blame ya for takin’ a rest after all that. Heck, I could go for a nice, relaxing defragmentation myself...
But, before you settle up for a little survey to help us improve the park?
Thanks for visiting Indigo Park! Hope all your dreams came true!
If you’ve got some time and you’re up for a lark, stick around for the Rambley Review!
I’m here to offer my best to each valuable guest I assist!
And lots of happy feedback ensures I get to exist!
Let’s try it!
Were you satisfied with the rides? Yes or no…
Were you satisfied with your guide? I Sure hope so...
Do you plan to come back? Will I see you again?
Did your experience convince you to tell a friend about us?
Did I earn your trust?
At Indigo Park
There is a stark contrast
To everything I know this place should be...
But out of the dark
You’ve given a spark of sunshine
To this Kingdom’s faithful Devotee..!
At Indigo Park
More than my remarks are mysteries
Even I don’t know what we might find...
But fight through the dark
And I’ll be your spark of sunshine
To get you out of any bind!
That is...*if* you wanna keep ! IDEA!
I know all of this isn’t fair to you. It’s an awful lot to ask…
But here comes Rambley Review Part 2 to sell you on our task!
I’m here to view and assess each valuable guest as I learn!
And lots of happy feedback ensures you’re gonna return!
I’m so happy you rode a ride and saw the show!
I’m so happy to be your guide! More than you know...
So come back anytime! I’d love to see you again
In all my thousands of days I’ve never had a friend like you...
At least, I hope I do...
At Indigo Park
There is a stark contrast
To everything I know this place should be
But out of the dark
You’ve given a spark of sunshine
To this Kingdom’s faithful Devotee...
At Indigo Park
More than my remarks are mysteries
Even I don’t know what we might find...
But fight through the dark
And I’ll be your spark of sunshine
To get you out of any bind...
’Til all my old friends are united again!
And I won’t feel so left behind...
Okay, I’ll letcha go. See ya next time, buddy!
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