7:11 Aliases with the as Keyword
10:43 Import Specific Attributes with the from Syntax
13:52 Import All Attributes with Syntax
17:34 The File I
28:59 The File II
from and Writing to Files\
33:49 Reading a File with the open Function and read Method
44:52 Read File Line by Line
48:12 Write to a File
52:09 Append to a File
55:17 Higher Order Functions I Functions as Arguments
1:04:03 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Higher Order Functions
1:09:08 Nested Functions
1:17:31 Higher Order Functions II Functions as Return Values
1:23:49 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Higher Order Functions II
1:26:41 Scope I Global vs Local Variables
1:37:39 Scope II The LEGB Rule
1:43:46 Scope III Closures
1:46:53 The global Keyword
1:50:27 Coding Exercise SOLUTION The global Keyword
1:53:22 The nonlocal Keyword
1:59:17 Intro to Decorators
2:10:13 Arguments with Decorator Functions (args and kwargs)
2:21:21 Returned Values from Decorated Functions
2:25:05 The Decorator
2:29:45 Decorator Example from flask Library
The Basics\
2:36:06 Intro to Object-Oriented Programming
2:47:39 Class Definition and Instantiation
2:56:49 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Class Definition and Instantiation
3:01:55 The __init__ Method
3:12:09 Adding Attributes to Objects
3:20:21 Setting Object Attributes in the __init__ Method
3:31:36 Coding Exercise SOLUTION The __init__ Method
3:41:59 Default Values for Attributes
3:49:49 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Default Values for Attributes
Attributes and Methods\
3:55:09 Instance Methods
4:07:40 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Instance Methods
4:15:11 Protected Attributes and Methods (Encapsulation)
4:23:51 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Protected Attributes
4:29:07 Define Properties with property Method
4:43:15 Define Properties with Decorators (Alternate Approach)
4:49:29 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Properties
4:59:46 The getattr and setattr Functions
5:09:29 The hasattr and deleteattr Functions
5:14:12 Class Methods
5:23:50 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Class Methods
5:28:46 Class Attributes
5:36:34 Attribute Lookup Order
5:40:27 Static Methods
Magic Methods\
5:48:23 Intro to Magic Methods
5:56:01 String Representation with the __str__ and __repr__ Methods
6:06:32 Equality with the __eq__ Method
6:13:08 Magic Methods for Comparison Operations
6:20:32 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Equality and String Representation
6:29:08 Docstrings
6:36:59 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Docstrings
6:41:12 Truthiness with the __bool__ Method
6:45:45 The namedtuple Object
6:53:00 Coding Exercise SOLUTION namedtuple
6:58:05 Length with the __len__ Method
7:02:59 Indexing with the __getitem__ and __setitem__ Methods
7:15:23 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Custom Indexing and Iteration
7:23:46 The __del__ Method
7:28:02 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Magic Methods
7:34:24 Intro to Inheritance
7:39:35 Define a Subclass
7:44:55 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Define a Subclass
7:47:49 New Methods on Subclasses
7:53:00 Override an Inherited Method on a Subclass
7:57:57 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Override a Method on Subclass
8:04:45 The super Function
8:21:14 Coding Exercise SOLUTION The super Function
8:28:06 Polymorphism I
8:34:17 Polymorphism II
8:41:20 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Polymorphism
8:50:00 Name Mangling for Privacy
8:58:15 Multiple Inheritance I Method Resolution Order
9:06:08 Multiple Inheritance II Breadth First Search and Depth First Search
9:17:38 Multiple Inheritance III Diamond-Shaped Inheritance
9:24:45 The isinstance Function and issubclass Function
9:33:38 Composition
9:47:27 Introduction to Error Handling
9:50:52 The try-except Block
9:59:05 Catching One or More Specific Exceptions
10:06:29 The raise Keyword
10:14:00 User-Defined Exceptions
10:21:33 Exception Inheritance Hierachies
10:30:55 The else and finally Blocks
and Time\
10:37:34 The date Object
10:45:14 The time Object
10:51:30 Coding Exercise SOLUTION date and time Objects
10:54:05 The datetime Object I
11:05:25 The datetime Object II The strftime Method
11:11:38 Coding Exercise SOLUTION The datetime Object
11:15:22 The timedelta Object
random Module\
11:22:30 The random, randint, and randrange Functions
11:28:20 The choice and sample Functions
11:32:54 The shuffle Function
Code The Basics\
11:38:32 Introduction to Unit Testing
11:43:05 The assert Statement
11:48:55 The doctest Module
11:59:04 The unittest Module
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