Gåte - Ulveham (Official Music Video)

The long-awaited music video for Ulveham is finally here! In this ambitious video shoot Gunnhild really got to play with the elements whilst incorporating the beautiful and wild Norwegian nature which is the bedrock of Gåte’s music. The result is a stunning and spectacular video which really captures the strength conveyed in the song and elevates both the music and the lyrics to another level. Also! Following a great demand from both new and older fans, Gåte has chosen to print a physical album which includes Ulveham, Gåte’s contribution to the ESC. The album, which also called Ulveham, ...consist of Gåte’s latest songs from their release Vandrar, as well as three carefully chosen live favorites that has been especially well received by the Gåte audience this last year. You can listen to the album here: And pre-order you hard copy of the Ulveham album here: Lyrics - Original: Eg var meg så ven og fager ei møy Med stimoder vond, mi moder ho døy Ho skapte meg om til eit svær og ei nål Og sende meg av ti kongens gård Og vreida mi stimoder kjende mest Når alle dei gillaste lika meg best Ho gav meg ein ham som ulve grå Ho svor meg einsam i skogjen gå Og aldri blir eg heil og god Før eg fær drukkje min broders blod Lyrics - Translated: I was a very fine and beautiful maiden, With an evil stepmother. My mother had died. She transformed me into a sword and a needle And sent me off to the King’s estate. The wrath of my stepmother grew When all the fine people loved me most. She gave me the hide of a grey wolf And forced me to go into the woods alone. And I would never be whole and good Before I had drunk of my brother’s blood. Film crew: Production Company: Helmet Films & Visual Effects // instagram @helmetfilmsvfx Directors: Line Klungseth Johansen, Øystein Moe // instagram: @cutestlittlekittenintheworld Director of Photography: Øystein Moe VFX-Supervisor: Alexander Somma // instagram: @alexandersomma Coordinator: Ole Fredrik Wannebo // instagram: @offeoffeoffe Editor: Toni Kotka // instagram: @tonimgk Consultant editor, Colorist: Arne Vidar Stoltenberg // instagram: @rayvanilla 1st AC, Aerial Cinematography: Stian Eriksen // instagram:@morrysack Aerial Cinematography, Safety rigg: Kristian Thorsen // instagram: @kristianut VFX Artists: Henrik Dahl // instagram: @hnrkdhl Chris Hagfors Dahlmo // instagram: @chrisdahlmo Thor Ivar Helgesen // instagram: @thorivar.h Stylist: El-Ri Flatås // instagram: @geishafunk Costume: Amanda Bjørge // instagram: @ Designer: Eline Dragesund // instagram: @eline_dragesund Assistant designer: Anders Thorseth Smestad // instagram: @andersmesta Production Assistants: Christian Aakerhus // instagram: @christianaakerhus Ørjan Trotland // instagram: @eriantrotland Ove Marius Nørstegård // instagram: @ove_marius_norstegard Jely Dawt Hlei Tial Hlawnceu Leonid Jaff Extras: Sverre Aksnes, Sokrates Vik, Tora Nadine Andersen Liknes, Karen Marie Kværnø Karlsvik, Lars Harald Nordgård, Ask André Rugelsjøen, Marius Barstad Hansen, Ida Helene Skorge, Tess Hartogh Heijs, Therese Grøtta, Stein Indergård, Ingrid Indergård, Siv Anikken Sandsæter, Ask André Sandsæter, Jeannie Vega, Ruben Vega Bjørkøy, Arild Mosand, Embret Olsen, Sigrun Østerås, Ole Kristian Krogstad, Tonje Størseth Digre, Magnus Børmark. Producers: Øystein Moe, Line Klungseth Johansen Special thanks to: Adina Moe, Tom Erik Heimen, Ole Jørgen Larssen, Per Olav Tranmæl, Bjørn Tranmæl, Jenny Hilmo Teig, Jan Petter Vad, Camilla Kastet, Eskild Moe, Ola Kleiven, Inga Kari Ohrvik, Nora, Ove Skjeggmann, Maren Berg Grimstad, Ask Klungseth-Moe, Ole Morten Onsøien & Luna. Åse Grimsmo, Dora Eiendom Monica Dybvik, Havdykk Erlend Tveit, RelyOn Nutec Stian Andresen, Bertel O. Steen Trøndelag brann- og redningstjeneste, Trondheim Vikinglag, Skjeggmennklubben Trøndelag, Trondheim Røde Kors This video is supported by: SpareBank 1 SMN Trondheim kommune Midgard Film Commission Norway #Ulveham #Eurovision #Gaate #Gåte #esc24
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