Julian Assange and the war on whistleblowers w/Kevin Gosztola | The Chris Hedges Report

13 years ago WikiLeaks pulled back the curtain on a host of documented US government crimes. This year, Julian Assange is expected to stand trial. His case is emblematic of how far the US government will go to hide the truth. Kevin Gosztola is the managing editor of Shadowproof, where he writes The Dissenter. He is the author of Truth and Consequences: The U.S. vs. Bradley Manning. The Real News is an independent, viewer-supported, radical media network. Help us expand our in-depth analysis and coverage from Baltimore to Bangladesh by subscribing and becoming a member today! Watch The Chris Hedges Report live YouTube premiere on The Real News Network every Friday at 12PM ET: Listen to episode podcasts and find bonus content at The Chris Hedges Report Substack: Help us continue producing The Chris Hedges Report by following us and making a small donation: Donate to TRNN: https://therealn
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