Miike Snow - “The Wave“ (Official Video)

Here is the official music video for “The Wave,“ by Miike Snow, the latest installment in the Jean Noel saga. The video is a continuation of a thread which began in their last video for “Paddling Out.“ In that video, a group of unfortunates were abducted to space in an experiment to create a perfect human named Jean Noel. Following some pretty brutal chainsaw surgery, the video ended with Jean crashing to earth in a spaceship seemingly manned by classical-era twins. Both videos were directed by Swedish Director Andreas Nillson, who’s work includes MGMT and Fever Ray. Rumours the entire plot was cooked up after a real life after hours chain saw massacre are currently unconfirmed. On Tuesday, March 20, Miike Snow will stop off in NYC at the Music Hall Of Williamsburg. Tickets are limited and Terminal 5 tickets holders have a limited pre-sale. General tickets are on-sale March 15th @ 12pm PST here:
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