The secret recipe of ancient mummification: Lingohack

The secret recipe for mummification used by the ancient Egyptians has been revealed. Samples of six-thousand-year-old pieces of linen were looked at to discover the chemical secret of mummification. Watch the video to find out more. Key words and phrases: preserved – kept in a good state; not damaged or destroyed embalming – using chemicals to keep a dead body in good condition antibacterial – reducing or killing bacteria prevent something from decaying – take action to keep something in good condition intact – complete and not damaged or lacking parts To download a transcript and read more, go to: [Cover Image: GETTY IMAGES] Do you want to learn how to speak English? Then join us here on YouTube for great grammar, drama, news, study, pronunciation, vocabulary, music, interviews and celebrity videos. Every day we have a new video to help you with English. We also produce regular ’extra
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