Doom Final Battle - Ultimate Doom E3M8 (Episode 3 Mission 8)

Final Battle of the Original Doom Ultimate Doom E3M8 (Episode 3 Mission 8) Also the ending of the original game Hey retrogamers! Welcome back to watch another 100% Doom Episode! This time I am going to play the last mission of episode 3. There isn’t much to talk about it as this is the final battle against the final boss Spiderdemon named as “Spider Mastermind”. I go left first and get rid of some annoying cacodemons and a baron of Hell. I am also going to collect some rockets but this is mostly optional. You can get rid of Mastermind easily with BFG-9000. But enough talking, enjoy the last battle! Thanks for watching. See you in the next episode where I am going to start with episode 4.
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