MODERN WARFARE 3 (music video)

CONTEST: DOWNLOAD SONG on iTunes: Lyrics HOOK and you can never harm me cuz my army got all arms in the air and you aint stopping my team or dropping my team cuz this is modern warfare (2x) VERSE we got the nukes out so call the troops out attach the noob tube prepare for the shootout my first shots a trick shot and quick scoping is a bitch there’s little hope the fields open gotta hit the ditch tango down tango down i can’t go down like that headshot bullseye it aint going down like that love it when it sound like that let’s play another round like that see you in the kill cam standing still man that’s why you’re on the ground like that this is modern warfare so prepare for some black ops that escort air drop is feeling good back shots yeah, i think they found a fat spot to hide out til we ride out but we gonna capture the flag the kills co
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