Sir John Harding Visits Cyprus Broadcasting Station (1955)

Cyprus. Documentation on file. Cars being searched at the entrance to Broadcasting station. People entering are stopped and searched, also frisked for arms. Guard waves car in after search. GV. Showing new buildings with watch tower in course of construction. Guards patrolling along barbed wire. Arrival of Sir John Harding Chief of Imperial General Staff, who was greeted by Commander John Proud, Director. General shots, walking to building. Sir John talks to Jimmy Hayes the News Editor and members of his staff. Walking along passage in building. Sir John talks to the listening room staff. Sir John walking through transmitting hall in course of construction. Chatting outside the . engineers outside where transmitter was wrecked. Walking round outside of building. Workmen watch as Sir John discusses rebuilding with officials. Sir John thanks police chief and remarks on security precautions being good. Wrecked transmitter, and Library which is being rebuilt. GV’s of new watch tower during building.
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