My eyes always on the Lord3
Psalm 141:8
New International Version
8 But my eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign Lord; in you I take refuge—do not give me over to death.
As We examined some 141:8 we see another psalm of David. Again David is reiterating the importance of his eyes and our eyes being fixed on The Sovereign Lord. David understands something about our God that when we keep our eyes fixed on him we can make requests of God and God will hearken unto our cry. The problem oftentimes that God has with his people is when you and I do not keep our eyes on God we do not listen to his instructions we do not follow his decrees then when we get in trouble we want to pray that is not how God wants us to live. God wants us to remain focused, attentive to him and should trouble befall us in that state God will be there to rescue us my prayer for you and my prayer for me again may we fix our eyes on our Lord that he may rescue us should we face any trouble.