Yep, it’s that time of year. ;) . I hope you try and enjoy! Subscribe to WUM for new vids! Presley’s Instructions (love this ;) Step 1) get a boul (bowl) to put water in! Step 2) Get a water brush any kind you want Step 3) Pick a water coler (color) you want you can have five that you pick for an azpal (example) Step 4) if you are do (doing) splatter paint first you can not oustdipatad (outside dip a tad) of water then dip it in a water color because you need more water because when you shake the brush only a tad will come out Step 5) Put your Brush in the water for like 20 seconds then put Step 6) Then put brush in the water paint! Step 7) then you put the brush in the water again and then splatter it works better I mean way better! Step 100) Thank you!
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