Pink & Blue

Pink Blue is another collaboration project between myself and Hollie McNish based around the theme of gender. Commissioned to open the Saatchi showcase in Cannes the film uses 3D technology to allow the viewer to switch between two different versions of the film depending which set of glasses they view it through. Poem Words Pink or Blue Pink or Blue Pink or Blue Go! Babygros for Blue with robots on Babygros for Pink no robots on Babygros for Pink with flowers on Babygros for Blue no flowers on Little Pink picks a daisy chain - awww, great! Little Blue picks a daisy chain - gay Little Blue climbs the tree - strong boy Little Pink climbs the tree - tom boy Pink falls down Pink is given more hugs Pink tears allowed Blue tears must man up grow some bollocks, toughen up Don’t be such a girl, Blue Now Blue hair is kept short Pink hair is let long Pink is given toy dolls Blue is given
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