Джиган & Юлия Савичева - Отпусти (Lyrics & English Translation)

DISCLAIMER: I don’t have a great understanding of Russian but I try my best to verify all meanings. If you have any suggestion for an improvement or correction, please post it in a comment below so everybody may learn and understand better. My older translations are more likely to have errors than the newer ones. The phrase “тобою болен“ means “I’m sick because of you“, “You make me ill“ and in this case like a love-sickness. It can’t be translated “I’m sick of you“ though because that would have a very negative meaning. A more literal variation for “теперь мне не всё равно“ is “nothing else matters to me now“. “ты многого стоишь“ more literally = “you’re worth so much“ or “you have a lot of standing“ which does maintain the meaning but is unusual in English. “в твоей воле“ could be translated simply “in your will“ though the meaning seems lost so I chose a less literal var
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