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Hello everyone! In this tutorial we will be creating an animation of a book opening up and the pages flying out. This is not a tutorial about modeling a book so that is why it’s pretty basic with just a couple cubes. This video is more about the animation side of it.
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PC Specs
Geforce RTX 2060
1Tb SSD 1Tb Hard Drive
► Artist Attribution
• Music By: “KaizanBlu“
• Track Name: “4am“
• YouTube Track Link:
• Spotify Track Link:
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Blender Tutorial Animation Book Opening New BlenderMadeEasy Beginner Constraints B3D Eevee Cycles
0:00 Intro
0:16 Spine Rotation
2:54 Sponsor
4:04 Book Cover Rotation
6:11 Book Animation
7:07 Adding the Page
12:03 Animating the Pages
14:24 Commotion Addon
16:17 Fixing the Keyframes
18:22 Outro