Astrox Imperium DEVLOG 107 (8/30/23) #Space, #Solodev

Devlog 107 covers the new additions of the Drone grouping panel and the Quickbar. The new drone grouping system will allow you to select all drones of a given type. This makes for easy access to the drones you want without the use of drone groups. If you decide to create a drone group, Drones from the group will no longer be displayed under their respective category, but under a new group header instead. I have also made a number of changes to the drone code and how they are handled when docking and undocking. The new Quickbar (or bottom bar) can now be modified using the new Quickbar Options panel. This panel will allow you to select what buttons will be displayed on the Quickbar. The new addition of the spacer button will allow you to visually group buttons together making them easier to access. All 6 of the main factions have received updates to the warpgate models. The warp animations an alignments have also been reworked a bit. A lot of time was spent tweaking the UI to prevent unwanted act
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