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Laura Zimmerman
Second place goes to the Plasmids arrow sign on the stairs by the first Gatherers Garden. The first one she did was drop-dead gorgeous.
She took it well when I told her she was going to have to rebuild it because it wasnt what we needed gameplay-wise. So she rolled up
her sleeves and hit another one out of the park. But then theres the machine in Ryans office. Check it out: words dont do it justice.
*Chad King
The PC interface. He stepped in at the last minute and helped Ben make a best of breed PC interface in just a few weeks. Every time I looked
at his desk, I thought I had time traveled a few weeks into the future. Insanely fast and insanely good. Whats not to love?
*2K A U S T R A L I A
*Jay Kyburz
As well as stepping in as temp lead artist, Jay really is the one who set the pace for the layout of the science area before the Little Sister
Gauntlet. I think this was the first level layout that really felt right for BioShock.
*Andrew James
Second temp lead artist, Andrew also modeled Shawn Robertsons design of the Security Bot. This was very early in the production,
and amazingly survived all the revisions to ship in the game! Also, Andrew was the key artist who made sure the levels ran at 30-60
frames. Frankly, I think he must have sold his soul to the devil to make this happen.
*Chris Chaproniere
The Ferris Wheel of Arcadia! Chris toiled for months, working on his own from the opposite side of the Pacific, he painstakingly
created the most beautiful Ferris wheel for the Fort Frolic level, only to have it cut. The best piece of art not to appear in the game!
*Daniel Keating
Dan labored on the awesome plants & foliage in Arcadia, battle debris, sandbags & barbed wire. But its the amazing giant whale from
the descent to Rapture that really floored me.
*Brendan George
Sander Cohen! Goddamn Sander Cohen. Have you taken a look at that model? Perfectly executed in both its sculpt and texture. It roXXors.
Bonus points for Cohens flawless bald spot. (hat tip to Robb Waters for a great concept as well).
*James Sharpe
All the little detailed & animated pieces of tech that dot the walls in every room all over Rapture were made by James. Also he made the
best typewriter seen in any game! Seriously I have a screenshot of it on my wall!
*John Travers
The Teddy Bear. Yes, the flaming Teddy Bear from X06. Its one of those nice touches that makes Rapture such a unique place to visit.
Of all the small things that made people get what BioShock was about, that Teddy Bear was the best bang for the buck!
*Christian Martinez
Christian did a huge amount of work on several levels, but I think hes the first one who was able to light BioShock the way it should be
lit. If you design video games for a living, you know what that means to a game.
*Alex Boylan
The Dead Cat, you will find it on every dark corner of every room in Rapture. You havent lived until you telekinesed one of Alexs dead
cats. Alex also did level architecture & lighting in Recreation.
*Lorne Brooks
Rosies Rivet Gun. Its one of those things that shouldnt work, but does. Huge props to Lorne for taking an out there concept and making
it happen from half-way around the world.
*Ray Leung
The man of 1,000 screenshots. If you saw it on a website or magazine, theres a fair chance it came from Ray ( or Walt, 2Ks game analyst
with the golden eye! )
*Ben Hutchings
Ben didnt do just one outstanding thing. He did about a million. Some artists demand huge tasks. Others labor behind the scenes and clean
up tirelessly. Without him, BioShock would be the game of a thousand visual glitches.
For me, this book is a walk down memory lane. For you, its a glimpse into the process of building Rapture.
I only wish I could enjoy it for the first time along with you.