Troy & Nick | I can still feel in the dark

« You have such a strange fixation on him. » Turn on the English subtitles! 📢 So these days I’ve been having trick breakdowns. I MISS THEM SO MUCH GOD! I need more ships with this agnst cause- THIS ISN’T ENOUGH THE QUEERBAITING WAS THERE BUT- the chemistry was insane, i would give anything to bring them back. I NEED MORE FRIENDS THAT SHIP THEM CAUSE I FEEL SO LONELY HERE SDJDKJDH anyways hope you enjoy the video! sdjsdh FANDOM | Fear The Walking Dead PAIRING | Troy & Nick COLORING | mine #fanvidfeed #fearthewalkingdead #trick #troynick #vidding #viddingisart #annesoshifeatures #enemi...estolovers #ftwd #troyotto #nickclarck
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