Sure Thing (Official Music Video) - Hillsong UNITED

The official music video for ’Sure Thing’ by Hillsong UNITED There’s this sweet naivety to trusting God when it feels like you shouldn’t—through the chaos, through the madness. But He’s good for it. Pillars fall and people fail, but He — “Attiq Yomin” (Ancient of Days), “El ‘Elyon” (God Most High), “Alpha and Omega,” “Beginning and End,” “El Olam” (God Everlasting) — He is and always will be; the surest thing in the universe. Listen to ’Are We There Yet?’ here: Listen to the latest from UNITED here: Subscribe: Text UNITED to 1 (855) 745-0294 for updates on releases, tours, merchandise and more. (Only available in US, CA, AU, UK). Stay Connected Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Website: Sure Thing
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