“Why don’t you just detransition?” Corinna Cohn is tired of fielding this question, but gracious enough to address it with me on today’s episode. Corinna has lived as a transsexual woman for his entire adult life, and is over it. But the effects of cross-sex hormones and body modification surgeries cannot be reversed. In another frank and, at times, graphic discussion on the state of gender and sexuality in clown world, today we explore questions such as: is “detransitioner” the right word? How about victims of gender medicine, or survivors of gender malpractice? Given the facts that humans cannot actually change sex, and these medical procedures are experimental and often go horribly wrong, can postoperative transsexuals actually engage in pleasurable and painless sex? How on earth is this stuff getting sold to people when it causes so much damage? What do people expect from “transition?” Is there such a thing as “true trans?” What does Corinna think of the idea that “adults should be able to do whatever the