Wait what--its been a year since I made my last birthday edit for Maulia! (and I’ve had this channel over a year) I can’t believe it. Soooo happy birthday Maulia my excellent friend! :D I’m really not feeling great about how this video turned out-somewhat chaotic, and I had no idea what to make Hunter and Skillet lol. Its better that last year’s, but could’ve been better and is not worthy of your viewing. I mean, I thought I synced it well, but for some reason the shaking wasn’t smooth and kinda ruins it. I could remake/make a better edit if its too bad. So yeah. Also I’m super tired and didn’t make transitions just weird shakes while being exhausted. I’ve had a rough month but this day is one of the best and I hope you have a great birthday! You mean a lot! :)
Song is Standing in the Storm by Skillet
Watch in 1080p and enjoy I guess