JOHN FRUM - “Memory Palace“ (Official Music Video)

John Frum - Memory Palace (Official Music Video) ’A Stirring in the Noos’ is out now on CD/LP/Digital via Relapse Records. Order Here: Directed by Christopher Konopka Order on Bandcamp: Order on iTunes: Order on Amazon: Order on Google Play: Official Links: John From’s Official Website: John Frum on Facebook: John Frum on Twitter: John Frum on Instagram: Lyrics: Propelling through the unknown, the world split in twain Tessellating ad infinitum, one was too small to grasp the scope An endless expanse of the protocosmic horizon lay in full upon the edges of what could no longer be considered reality Knowing not where I existed, only that I was among the insubstantial truth I communed with naught The being craved a new arena The mind became pregnant with the concept of the new universe And in that moment, I rewrote the sacred scripts I waged the interminable war I solved the formulas yet to be proposed I became the primordial, abolishing death, expanding into consciousness Egression denied as dimensions phase Many planes awaited the arrival of a new reality Choosing the one that vibrated to the pulse of existence The body mutated rapidly, selecting a new form As big as a thought As small as a god Upon emergence from creation There awaited an opaque world faceted of one’s own reflection But the eyes of the world surveyed itself with reproach Such hubris this one had to fancy himself a creator To bring a world to fruition with the damaged sensibility of man Unknown hues streak across endless depths of sullen gloom Effulgent emanations retreat from an innate approach The incumbent Chaos, ultimate arbiter of creation Welcomes this new inhabitant with destruction’s caress
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