Ninth song in the Kagepro series, this song is all about our seemingly carefree leader, Kano.
Yobanashi (夜咄) means “Night Tales“ but I decided to keep it as “Yobanashi“ because that’s Jin original title (see 0:22).
Amesubs translated “ビバップ“ as “beep bap boop“ but I decided to translate it as “bepop“ (a jazz style from the 40’s) as Jin used another jazz term, “Two-beat“, in his lyrics.
10 months ago 00:20:06 4
Плейлист, но ты лжец. | Speed up | RUS, ENG, JP
3 years ago 00:03:23 1
[ENG] Yobanashi Deceive (夜咄ディセイブ- Jin, IA)
4 years ago 00:04:44 1
[ENG] Lost Time Memory (ロスタイムメモリー - Jin, IA, KagePro)