Crowds at University football match (1919)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit American football between Harvard and Yale universities with huge crowds Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Football Enthusiasts - Harvard University v. Yale University USA: Massachusetts: Cambridge: Harvard University Grounds: EXT GV pan round stadium. Grandstands packed with spectators. GV elev. game. LS elev. game. LS elev. game - player runs to touch line with ball pan over to GV spectators cheering. GV spectators in grandstand, some making the form of an “H“, waving with white handkerchiefs. LS game, man cheering in foreground. GV elev. crowd rush onto pitch. GV elev. game. LS game. SLATE INFORMATION: A Long Run LS players walking away from goal line, GV spectators cheering. SV spectators leaving the grandstand. LS elev. game. LS elev. game. LS elev. players run to goal to show crowd cheering. SLATE INFORMATION: Harv
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