I Turned The ENTIRE Lord Of The Rings Movie Into A 3 Hour Metal Song
Howard Shore’s music from the legendary Lord Of The Rings movie trilogy captivated me ever since I first heard it way back in 2001. It was so epic, majestic, pretty damn Metal! It was my hope that one day someone would make a full Metal version of the films, but alas that day never came. So as a culmination of months of pandemic-induced boredom/frustration/madmess I plucked up the courage to finally do it myself!
Several months later, I proudly present the entirety of The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring presented as one giant Metal song! 🤘
00:00:00 Disclaimer
00:00:23 Prologue: One Ring To Rule Them All
00:07:43 The Shire
00:10:33 Bag End
00:15:51 Very Old Friends
00:20:00 Flaming Red Hair
00:21:53 Farewell Dear Bilbo
00:24:58 Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe
00:35:54 A Conspiracy Unmasked
00:43:10 Three Is Company
00:45:08 The Passing Of The Elves
00:46:31 Saruman The White
00:51:55 A Shortcut To Mushrooms
00:58:29 Strider
01:02:40 The Nazgul
01:11:37 Weathertop
01:13:48 The Caverns Of Isengard
01:18:51 Give Up The Halfling
01:25:10 Orthanc
01:26:22 Rivendell
01:30:52 The Sword That Was Broken
01:35:23 The Council Of Elrond Assembles
01:39:50 The Great Eye
01:45:48 Gilraen’s Memorial
01:51:38 The Pass Of Caradhras
01:57:44 The Doors Of Durin
02:04:30 Moria
02:07:04 Gollum
02:09:30 Balin’s Tomb
02:21:47 Khazad-dum
02:29:46 Caras Galadhon
02:39:07 The Mirror Of Galadriel
02:46:39 The Fighting Uruk-hai
02:58:58 Parth Galen
03:08:48 The Departure Of Boromir
03:15:11 The Road Goes Ever On
Here’s some questions you may have about the video...
⮞ Which movie is it?
The Fellowship Of The Ring, the 1st one.
⮞ Is it the extended version?
Of course!
⮞ Will it work if I try and sync this to the original movie?
Yes! I played on top of the extended Blu-ray edition, so if you start this video at the same time as your Blu-ray copy it should line up perfectly.
⮞ How was this done?
I imported my 5.1 surround-sound version of the Blu-ray into Reaper so I could split the audio tracks up into separate channels. The majority of the dialogue is in a single channel, so I could mute it and be left with an almost-instrumental version of the movie. I then had to painstakingly tempo-map the entire movie audio to a grid so that I could program drums over it. Once tempo-mapping was done it was “just“ a case of laying-down all the drums and guitars. Thankfully I had the orchestral score as a reference guide which sped-up the process significantly!
⮞ How long did it take?
- Tempo-mapping and programming drums: 2 months
- Recording Guitars: 1 month
- Mixing: 3 days
- Filming: 4 days
- Editing: 3 days
⮞ Are you miming?
Yes, and very badly too. Sorry! It would just be horrendously stressful to be filming whilst recording.
⮞ Why is your performance so boring?
The music is constantly changing tempo and time signature so I have to really be paying attention to cues on my screen. This shit’s way too confusing to remember by heart 😂
⮞ Was the project difficult?
The music itself was very easy; cinematic music in general is usually not very demanding technically. It was however incredibly monotonous, dull and time-consuming; which is a challenge in itself!
⮞ Why does the mixing suck?
It would take months to get every single part balanced perfectly and i’m really not up for investing so much additional time on this mess 😂. I feel like I got it to a listenable standard and that’s fine for me.
⮞ Why is the movie blurred-out?
I wanted to display the movie in some form to provide a bit of context to what’s going on, but I also don’t wanna antagonize the rights holders so I had to compromise.
⮞ Why does the dialogue sound weird?
Even though the main dialogue channel has been muted, there’s still some spill-over and reverb on the other channels. A few bits of dialogue are also baked-into all audio channels (such as many of Galadriel’s lines) so it’s impossible to eliminate those.
⮞ Will you do the other 2 movies?
Absolutely not! I may do another movie in the future but DEFINITELY not one as long as this again.
⮞ Did you really wear the same t-shirt throughout the whole filming duration?
Yes and I vowed not to wash it until I was finished as encouragement.
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