Гречанинов: Страстная седмица - Gretchaninov: The Seven days of Passion 7.

Страстная седмица 7. Вечери Твоея тайныя Музыка Александр Гречанинов Государственная академическая симфоническая капелла России Strastnaya Sedmista The 7 Days of Passion Op. 58 7. At Thy mystical supper Music by Alexander Gretchaninov Sung here by the The State Academic Symphonic Capella of Russia. At Thy mystical supper, Son of God, today receive me as a communicant: for I will not speak of the mystery to Thine enemies, I will not give Thee a kiss like Judas, but as a thief I confess Thee: remember me
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