My evaluation of Jordan Peterson is very similar to Gabor Maté’s. The injunction ’clean up your room’ is tyrannical or, at best, not compassionate.
In a nutshell, Peterson (intimidatingly) tells people that their messy rooms need to be cleaned. But how? He introduces evil to them (because of the evil the rooms are messy). Finally, he introduces God to them as the saviour.
Like Maté, I think Peterson is an agent of suppression and repression. I think his dishonest generalisation of evil is harmful. To persuade people that the roots of their suffering is Peterson’s version of evil, in the most of the cases, is to displace the source of their suffering. By displacing sufferings and desires, Peterson teaches and promotes self-deception in an inner level which leads to more suffering and rage (because of more inconsistency with the self).
I still think Peterson is to a good extent right about free speech, gender and a couple of other things, but his prescription for living a better life seems fraudulent and deeply symptomatic to me.
Full interview with Maté: