И_Йен Сомерхолдер 29/11/2024
Howdy. Will take a few mins and watch this? I’m not selling anything. This is just inspiring. This world is very crazy right now and I know everyone is running around, trying to buy things for Christmas in jammed parking lots with people, honking at one another… I typically post this once per year to remind everyone because it feels important to me. SO JACK the volume, WATCH and LISTEN to these incredible words by one of my great great greatest of heroes # carlsagan
It’s worth it I promise you. What is this you may ask?
This excerpt from Carl Sagan’s book PALE BLUE DOT (1994) was inspired by an image taken, at Sagan’s suggestion by Voyager 1 on Feb 14, 1990.
From a distance of about 6 billion km (approx million miles) Voyager 1, which had completed its primary mission and was leaving the Solar System, was commanded by NASA to turn its camera around and take one last photo of Earth across a great expanse of space, at the request of Carl Sagan. The accompanying words, written so many years ago are still so very relevant today. Mi2Lethal made this so thank you.
# inspiration
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