Eric Andersen - Ghosts Upon the Road

I was stranded up in Cambridge Mass it was the winter of 64 Before that in a torn down building up on Beacon Hill I made my money mowing lawns that fall and junkin in a band The air was full of energy only a few could understand Now I was lucky in my building because the city had forgot To board up all the doors and windows and shut the electric off An abandoned dog had earlier destroyed the first and second floors I found some country records there but I had no stereo But sometimes I’d heard noises in the night On the 3rd floor there I was living by candlelight crashed out in the corner of a room Afraid to draw attention I was eating cold out of cans Later they said I was livin like a rat Now the crowd that I hung out with well they were outcasts too Suzie alone and pregnant with my best friend’s kid Johnny Boy just got thrown out of the local looney bin And Brian was rentin out apartments that didn’t exist Then one night alone I wrote a song about something that I knew About the black faced
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