Francys - Live at IDLC

Original set played in Villa Maria, Cordoba, Argentina at Isabel de la cruz. on May 21th with Nacho Varela & Cruz Vittor. Tracklist 1. . - A View with the Vast Horizon - [One of a Kind] 2. Leon Lobato - Hold Me - [Where the Heart is] 3. Volen Sentir - Na Dvore Dozhd’ - [Shanti Radio Moscow] 4. Raw Main - Sacre Coeur - [Lost Miracle] 5. Mustafa Ismaeel - Hindsight - [Rebellion] 6. Juan Deminicis – Synchronicity – [Proton Music] 7. Ercos Blanka – Kafka – [Sound Avenue] 8. Abity – Beyond – [Particles] 9. End Of Twins – Prophet – [Beatfreak Recordings] 10. Juan Ibanez - Valley of the Moon - [SLC-6 Music] 11. Dabeat, Kamilo Sancelemente – Implant – [Mango Alley] 12. Alley SA – Voyage – [Rynth]
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