Cody Martin//Cole Sprouse - E.T. ♥ (Collab Part)

Hey, so this is my collab part with Rachy (xoxRachyRockStarxox) Hope you like it as I worked hard on it and please don’t dislike this, just for once. yep, I definately have the Sprouse Symptoms also! ;D Disliking this obviously means you don’t. Unfortunately, I probably won’t be able to upload anything on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as I’m doing this Young Americans thing in school and it doesn’t finish till late and I won’t have time (not to mention, I’ll probably be tired too.) Just so ya know. :) :P and btw one more thing, if you have a twitter could you please follow me ’cause I made one yesterday because of... reasons (Rachy knows why :L) I feel a bit lonely as last time I checked I had no followers so please follow and I’ll follow you back. Here’s the link:: #!/MarleyLovesCole
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