Is Putin a Psychopath? | Jon Ronson and Brian Klaas on Power

This is part 1 of an exclusive How To Academy event. Watch part 2 here: Does power corrupt, or are corrupt people drawn to power? How do you tell if your leader is a psychopath? Are we drawn to following bad people? To find out, Brian Klaas met presidents, philanthropists, cultists and dictators. He tells his story to Jon Ronson. Dr Brian Klaas is an Associate Professor in Global Politics at University College London and a columnist for the Washington Post. Klaas is also a frequent television commentator and political consultant. He was previously based at the London School of Economics and the University of Oxford. He is also the host of the Power Corrupts podcast. He has advised governments, US political campaigns, NATO, the European Union, multi-billion dollar investors, international NGOs, and international politicians. On YouTube, Brian has been featured on CNN (strongmen leaders), MSNBC (Corruption in the republican party, dictators, authoritarianism), David
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