Scorpions - Lonesome Live (1973 bootleg) kraut rock/heavy metal/psychedelic rock

1973-04-19 Grille Minden West Germany. Most early known live recordigs Opening for ELOY (WTE #29) & UFO with Bernie Marsden on Guitar (Not Recorded) cover & EQ by this blog recorded by Herb Smith in 1973:: ’’In the afternoon of 19 April 1973 my friend and me arrived at the local ballroom Zur Grillei in Minden, Germany. The location had a capacity of 900 listeners, standing. It had a long tradition for dancing on weekends with local bands playing live. From around 1970 more and more progressive bands payed a visit to Minden, in 1973 I already had seen Ton, Steine, Scherben and Nektar, ( missed Status Quo, Franz K, Birth Control, Alexis Korner) We were in time for the soundcheck, positioned my Uher reel to reel machine in the middle of the hall, next to me my microphone on its stand, high above the heads of the audience. A normal situation in those days, all bands I had
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