KING 810 - Under The Black Rainbow Ep. 1 - “monday∴day of moon“

Part one of the episodic occult tragedy under the black rainbow. UTBR is an in house production written, directed, shot & edited by KING & co. Edited by @midwestcreative_co Music from UTBR available for pre order here: LINK TO PRE ORDER BUNDLES ON TOUR NOW: ▶ Tickets: SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL ▶ Mailing list: MERCHANDISE ▶ Merchandise: ▶ Book: LINKS ▶ TikTok: @king810official ▶ Spotify: ▶ Facebook: ▶ Instagram: ▶ Twitter: monday∴moon day∴root∴C∴red∴root∴earth∴dies lunae… It was a Monday…Day of the moon… that I’m sure of… 200 new moons after the second millennia... ...Ah whos was counting anyway?... The intelligent designer of the universe is often likened to the greatest of watch makers. A craftsman so talented as to throw embarrassment on the most esteemed Swiss artisan. Not just any ol shame but the kind that inspires one to lose purpose and tie their own neck. The ol dead thread. The gallows, that primitive technology. Hmm. That’s more the speed for yours truly. Forget the watchmaker… to suggest that I am but a speck of rust on the most insignificant wheel inside the limitless labyrinth of gears would itself be a lie. For what type of divine watchmaker produces a gear upon which the smallest speck of rust like myself may rest. But that’s not the point is it? No no no… I could with all the hubris in the universe refer to myself as a great cog… a third wheel… no a fourth wheel… no a center wheel… yes a center wheel and still what does a cog know of the device inside which it is nested?… of the keeping of the universe. No the wheel only spins so I ask again… Whos counting anyway? Ah let me apologize. I know I’ve became carried away… Forgive me. How pretentious, how pompous, how verbose are the words of a poet on his deathbed. As the poets often proclaim, and yours truly being no exception, I say down with philosophy… Yes now… Moving upward… poetry… yes so lets begin with poetry… Hmmm? What’s that ? Ah yes I suppose I did mention the death bed. Well nevermind that for now… Poetry. The Latin “poema“ the Greek meaning “I make” & so yes let us make then. Lets leave the talks of death & deathbeds and let us not even mention sleep for is she not that kin of death? Anyway I make. I make. I make… Ah Has one heard the poem of the boy and the black rainbow? Ah of course not. The poems by my hand are seldom read by… well… Lets start there… for the profane… Ah hem… “super blue the moon the first time he had eyes For the strangest most familiar most trembling device…” 0:00 intro 0:42 “monday∴day of moon“ 7:00 outro
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