Chase Atlantic - TOO LATE (Official Music Video)

LISTEN TO PHASES ON TOUR NOW - TIX AVAILABLE AT Director - Erik Rojas Executive Producer - Jon Brewer Producer - Jon Brewer, Josh Katz Director of Photography - Mike Koziel Wardrobe Stylist - Ramee Randall Production Designer - Dirk Caswell Production Company - Gold Tree Pictures LYRICS Look what happened, I don’t feed her fear I feed her habits, Took her to the heavens in a carriage, Ain’t no white horse, White had her doing backflips, And I ain’t keeping scores, I think it’s ordinary, But watch I’m keeping yours, They say the more the merry, They told me “never trust a bitch”, I told them “more than fair-y” I put that molly on her tongue she said “extraordinary” You’re too late, Had your girlfriend at my house for two days, Should be obvious the reason she’ll stay with me, Build a rocket ship, throw bricks in your face, You’re too la
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