DON’T BE STUPID !!! JunkYards Have Rules Too

Join Big Mike on an exciting exploration of junkyards, where we unveil the unspoken rules that can make or break your experience. Discover the importance of seeking permission, respecting property, and staying on the right side of the law. Our video, “DON’T BE STUPID !!! Junkyards have Rules Too,“ provides valuable insights for every adventurer. Treat this video as your Junkyard Survival Guide. In this video, we emphasize the need to approach junkyards with caution and consideration. Learn how to navigate these hidden gems by understanding the rules, such as getting permission to access the yard, respecting boundaries, and other rules of the Yard. Join us in promoting responsible exploration and preserving the charm of classic car and truck junkyards. As a bonus, Big Mike shares a nifty Google Chrome trick that could change the way you explore junkyards forever. Discover how to identify mysterious finds with just a simple photo using your phone’s camera and Chrome
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