How modern families increase social inequality | The Economist

Modern families with two working adults are richer than those with a single breadwinner, and can afford to take a different approach to parenting. This is exacerbating inequality between rich and poor families. Film supported by Mishcon de Reya Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: The family has always been a central building block of society. But families have changed dramatically in the rich world over the past 50 years. Changes to society mean that the old model of a breadwinning husband and a stay-at-home wife has all but collapsed. And the different ways rich and poor families raise their children are increasing social inequality. Today, gay families like Maggie and Joelle’s are widely accepted in the rich world. A generation ago, it was almost unthinkable that same-sex couples would get now most people in rich countries think gay marriage is fine. Fears that gay marriages would undermine heterosexual ones have proven unfounded. And this
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