Binding a MYSTICAL Handmade GRIMOIRE / Book of Shadows!
Today we’re bookbinding a mystical leatherbound grimoire!
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- Real leather, black sheepskin leather thick
- 96 sheets A3 sized sketchbook paper (110 gsm)
- 2 sheets A3 black paper as end sheets (140 gsm)
- Waxed thread:
- Hemp / jute cord for stitching:
- Brass corner decorations:
- Corner protectors:
- Leather cord for headbands:
- Embroidery thread for headbands:
- Brass buckles:
- Large amethyst stone:
- Oval filigree:
- Satin ribbon markers:
- Linen cloth for burnishing and covering the spine
- Leather dye
- Greaseproof parchment paper
- 3 mm wood fiberboard covers
- Basic leather crafting kit:
- Leather stitching kit: https: