My Essential Everyday Jewelry | Where I buy my jewelry | Miss Louie Jewelry Collection | Miss Louie

*** OPEN FOR ALL JEWELRY DEETS MORE OPTIONS! *** ✅ Browse everything in today’s video more options HERE → Today I wanted to share all of my essential go-to jewelry that I wear daily and feature often in my videos. I get so many messages about where my jewelry comes from, so I hope this video helps! I’ve listed my exact pieces PLUS several carousels on the blog for you to browse and curate your own perfect set. XO ► FAVORITE SHOPS MEJURI [$$$] (10% off your first order) AURATE [$$$] ADORNMONDE [$$] ETSY [$ - $$$] My favorite premium ETSY shop ► OTHER ITEMS RING CONES - Concrete - Glossy Ceramic - Marble - Wood JEWELRY CLEANER MACHINE
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