This actually WORKS! Primitive Water Filter Survival Hack!

In an extended primitive survival situation or wilderness living, one of the most reliable and efficient ways to procure safe water in large quantities is simply to dig a primitive well or coyote well. People have been using hand dug wells for thousands of years and, if done right, they’re a fantastic source of pure, clean water. The earth itself acts as a primitive water filter. To dig a proper well is a lot of work. But, for a long term wilderness living where potable water isn’t readily available, it’s well worth it. Humans lived for a hundred thousand years without processing water. It’s only in the last few decades or so that we’ve come to believe that raw water is unsafe. In the mountains I regularly drink straight from the steams and alpine lakes without filtering or boiling the water. I feel very safe doing that because human and livestock inputs to those water bodies are minimal. At lower elevations where cattle and people might impact the water, or aquatic and semi aquatic mammals like
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