Why are No Ultra Large Container Vessels Sailing to the United States

Why No Ships to the USA? What’s Going on With Shipping? Feb. 1, 2024 In this episode, Sal Mercogliano - maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner - discussed the reason why no Ultra Large Container Vessels (ships capable of carrying more than 16,000 TEUs - Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units) are sailing to the United States. #supplychain #shipping #containerships Support What’s Going on With Shipping via: Patreon: Twitter: @mercoglianos Facebook: @wgowshipping Email: mercoglianosal@ 00:00 Introduction 00:53 Where in the are all the World’s containerships? 04:17 What are Ultra Large Container Vessels? 10:32 Why No ULCV in the US? 14:32 Conclusions Marine Traffic Evolution of Containerships List of
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