I made this to play Switch with just one hand

My one-handed Joy-Con adapter allows you to play Nintendo Switch with one hand. The Joy-Cons slide into the 3D printed adapter. The stick and buttons on the other Joy-Con can be pushed through mechanical arms and linkages. To move the thumb-stick, you rest the device on the table or your lap, and move the whole controller. My store: 0:00 - Zelda 0:02 - First design 1:31 - First test 2:02 - Revised flexure design 3:17 - How to push on the buttons 4:38 - Final version 5:12 - Zelda 6:03 - Design details 7:18 - Smash Brothers 8:27 - Left handed 9:15 - How to insert Joy-Cons 9:37 - Design details 9:53 - Final thoughts
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