13KRAUSS - Flying Broken Chairs (Videoclip)

* Videoclip of “Flying Broken Chairs“, from our second album, THE END IS NIGH. Produced by STK Audiovisual (). Recorded in Sala López during the third edition of St Patrick’s Festival Zaragoza, which also included the performance of Sons of O’Flaherty, Los Drunken Cowboys and Mr Molly. *Videoclip de “Flying Broken Chairs“, perteneciente a nuestro segundo album THE END IS NIGH. Realizado por STK Audiovisual (). Grabado en la Sala López durante la celebración de la tercera edición del festival St. Patrick’s Day Zaragoza, donde también participaron Sons of O’Flaherty, Los Drunken Cowboys y Mr. Molly. -STK Audiovisual: Booking - contratación: comunica@
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