1597 - Vitthala Nama Sankirtan | Ashadi Special | Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans
#AshadiPrasanthiNilayam2023 #AshadiEkadashi #pandharpur #pandhari #SaiBhajans #VitthalaBhajans #Puttaparthi2023
Wishing you all a Happy Ashadi Ekadashi!
00:00 - Panduranga Vittaley Hari Narayana
05:12 - Pandhari Nivasa Hey Panduranga
08:42 - Bhajamana Panduranga Vitthala
11:16 - Panduranga Vitthala Jai
14:45 - Vitthala Vitthala Hari Vitthala
17:24 - Jai Jai Vitthala Panduranga Vitthala
19:39 - Bhaja Ranga Harey Vitthala
23:06 - Sri Ranga Hare Vitthala
26:31 - Vitthala Bhajans Medley
In the Hindu lunar calendar, Ekadashi is the eleventh day of the fortnight after a new moon or a full moon and is considered auspicious for the worship of Lord Vishnu. The Ekadashi after the new moon in the Hindu month of Ashada is of special significance to the devotees of Lord Vitthal, a manifestation of Lord Vishnu.
Come one! Come all! Let us chant the Divine name of Vitthala on this auspicious day through this special offering, “Vitthala Nama Sankirtan”
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