Shake It Up “Weird It Up“ Preview

- See the photos! - Watch a clip! - Click to Subscribe! - Become a Fan! - Follow Us! Oh man -- what is that stuff on Bella and Zendaya?!? One of the photos from this weekend’s new episode of Shake It Up fits perfectly with the title: Weird It Up. But of course, there’s definitely an explanation behind it. The storyline follows Rocky and Cece getting booked on a Japanese game show -- hence, the birds, the feet and the wheel of punishment. Would you rather have a fireball of happy songs, go dinto the garbage pit of stink doom or have sparkly clean mouth joy?? Decisions, decisions. We’ve got the entire photo gallery of this Shake It Up episode -- just click the link below. And remember to tune into the Disney Channel on Sunday, April 1 at 830pm eastern pacific. I’m Dana Ward and as always, thanks for tuning in.
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