Party Animals!! (I’m here for animals)

Party! ft. @petragurin @MariaMarionette @FulgurOvid @nox-virtuareal9563 Hunger: Kiti: Opal: ------------------------------------------------- Become a Yaminion! (membership) 👟 Streamlabs Donations 👟 Chat Rules 👟 1. I play games weirdly sometimes 2. So don’t backseat me to do the correct thing 3. Thanks 4. Also follow basic rules that others follow 5. Thanks My Socials👟 Twitter: Hashtags 👟 General - #ShuYamino Live Tag - #Yaminow Art - #YaminoArt Memes - #ShuNanigans Clips - #ShuClip #ShuClipEN #ShuClipJP Stream Assets: #YaminoAssets Thumbnails: #Shumbnail NSFW - Cosplay Tag - #DressLikeShu Fan Name - Yaminions Luxiem👟 Mysta: Luca: Ike: Vox: ... and me! NIJISANJI Official 👟 YouTube (EN): Twitter (English): Reddit: YouTube (JP): ▽ Guidance for minors ▽ For Business and PR Inquiries
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