Video by Furor Teutonicus

Footage Farm is a historical audio-visual library. The footage in this video constitutes an unedited historical document and has been uploaded for research purposes. Some viewers may find the archive material upsetting. Footage Farm does not condone the views expressed in this video. For broadcast quality material of this clip or to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at info@ Footage Farm is a historical audio-visual library. The footage in this video constitutes an unedited historical document and has been uploaded for research purposes. Some viewers may find the archive material upsetting. Footage Farm does not condone the views expressed in this video. Convoy of German trucks, motorcycles w/ sidecars thru damaged village & down street past bombed buildings. Large Soviet building captured by Germans, Lenin statue in front. Russian civilians pick thru ruins of smoking homes. High pan across rubbled town, salvaging possessions. Convoy of German military vehicles along muddy road thru village. VO trans. “This is how the Bolshevik worker’s paradise looks in reality...”. Soldier nails sign on fence, people standing watching. Villagers buy food & leaving wrecked store. Large Soviet Red Army banner w/ picture of Stalin & Lenin. 04:31:06 Heavy guns fired near Minsk, fighting & explosions, viewing binoculars, USSR tank & troop carriers under fire; truck burning. Surrendering Soviets PoWs, some wounded, CUs prisoners from Eastern/Asian USSR, female Russian soldier. PoWs marched in long column. Tracking shots past wrecked much Soviet equipment, tanks & trucks along road. Troops inspect huge Soviet tank. Airfield littered w/ damaged Soviet fighter planes. VERY GOOD. 04:35:40 Map of Eastern Front, Baltic States. Germans into Riga, troops & trucks past bombed buildings & streets w/ bodies & equipment. VO blames Soviets for destruction. Civilians begin clean-up operation;German soldier paints scene. Forced labor, Latvian Jews off truck w/ shovels, strip to waist & begin digging [graves?], German troops shouting. 04:37:04 Bodies of Latvian nationalists removed from shacks around Riga. VO: “mutilated & killed by Soviet GPU secret police”, women cries over corpses, bodies into coffins, dead children. Jewish man beaten in street by civilians & dragged away, accused of collaboration w/ GPU & massacre. Riga synagogue burning, VO says civilians did it. For broadcast quality material of this clip or to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at info@
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