Final Round Day 1: Friday, Sept. 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM (UTC-4) at Linehan Concert Hall, UMBC

Three performers will advance to the 3-Day Final Round taking place in three different halls in Baltimore. Each competitor will perform approximately 30 minutes of music each day and will have a maximum 35 minutes of stage time. Friday, September 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM (UTC-4) – University of Maryland, Baltimore County Set pieces: J. S. Bach. Choose one of the following: -Lute Suite No. 1, BWV 996 -Lute Suite No. 2, BWV 997 -Lute Suite No. 3, BWV 995 -Lute Suite No. 4, BWV 1006a -Prelude, Fugue, and Allegro, BWV 998 -Chaconne in D minor, BWV 1004 Variations on a Theme by Mozart, Op. 9, by F. Sor... Baltimore International Guitar Competition seeks to foster the development of, and appreciation for, the art of the classical guitar, encourage performances at the highest artistic level, and promote and support the careers of the world’s most outstanding young guitarists. Performers will compete for over $60,000 in prizes: 1st prize: $35,000 ($20,000 cash prize, $15,000 Augustine Career Award) 2nd prize: $10,000 3rd prize: $5,000 4th to 8th prize: $500 Audience prize: $2,500 All competitors receive free hotel accommodations. For more information, please visit
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