Hetalia: Moves Like Jagger~ England, Japan and America/US (Downloads in descrip)

LINKS~ Motion Data~ (If it posted to my feed, I gave misinformation about this sorry. If you just click to “Save As“ it saves as a corrupted file. You have to agree to the terms; to do that, scroll all the way down. And just below “Download Details“ is a little paragraph or so of Japanese, and below that is a gray button. Clickity. After that it should be easy. If you have any problems let me know, I -may- be able to help out.) America Model (and a TON of other hetalia models)~ Original~ 【ヘタリアMMD】私服三人でMoves Like Jagger【モデル・モーション配布】 I DID NOT make this! I DID NOT make any part of this!
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