Watch The Underground Railroad TV show 1/26/24 Comcast CAN-TV, Chicago,5-6 PM Channel 19

......The “Underground Railroad TV show “will have a live TV show. The show is in the USA, Chicago, IL, on Comcast TV, and can be seen on CAN-TV on January 26, 2024, on channel 19 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Central time. Please call our live TV show at 1-312-738-1060. Yes, we want to hear your views and questions. ....., ......This will be a three-part series. We will have a panel discussion to discuss the Israel and Palestine conflict or war and the anti-Dedemation league. Apac’s organization donates to the USA Congress and the United States Senators. This is not to put down these organizations. It is to understand the motives for starting the organization and to find out if nations like APACK give us progress and support this donation to influence their votes....... ......The last show will be about the US presidential election 2024 and why many black people have decided to vote for former US President Donald Trump. We will discuss immigration and sanctuary cities........ Ca
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