Red Bull Basement 2021

Good afternoon dear audience and the jury! My name is Kagermanov Eldar, I am a first-year student of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. I would like to presEnt my start up project. Nowadays there are lot of sports grounds in the city. Thought many people go in for different kinds of sport people don’t use these sports grounds. The problem is in the following: people do not know the schedule and working hours of such playgrounds, also they have no people with whom they can do this or that kind of sport. For instance, a person wants to play football but he or she doesn’t have a team. This problem can be solved by using an application where every person can see the schedule of any sports ground, choose the time for workouts and even find the company for a training. Using such an app will save time and help people do what they like doing. Thank you for your attention!
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